Thursday, September 9, 2010

Green Smoothie???

I've been having a hard time getting through all of our veggies, mostly all the leafy green stuff. I've been trying to figure out a way to get more veggies into my diet and use up all the CSA stuff each week. Well, I think I've figured it out. I had been wanting a juicer for a while now, but they are so pricey... I just can't justify spending the money right now. I decided to try using my blender and see what would happen if I ran some spinach... or kale through it with some other fruit and veggies. Yesterday I made my first "green smoothie" and it wasn't so bad! I used 4 cups of spinach, 2 cups of water, a nectarine and 10 strawberries. It was a little thicker like a shake and I could taste the spinach... but it wasn't gross. I decided to try making another one....

This morning I had the following: 1 bunch of kale, 2 celery stalks, 10 strawberries, 1 apple, 2 cups of water, 1 cup unfiltered apple juice and 1 tbsp minced ginger. I really enjoyed it and I think I've got close to or all of my f/v servings in for the day! Plus.... I feel great... virtuous! I just don't think that I'll be able to convince anyone else that it tastes good... since it looks like green sludge!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's here!!

Back in April of this year, Jason and I teamed up with some friends (Chris and Amy) and Grandma Dub and placed an order for a 1/4 of a grass fed cow from Clark Summit Farms. I thought our beef would be ready in July or August, but got a call this weekend that it was ready to pick up this week. On Tuesday, I met up with a new friend of mine (who had also placed an order) and we headed off to the butcher in Penngrove. The drive was nice.. though we hit some traffic getting through San Francisco. Once we got there, the guys loaded up the van.... not only with my "tiny" little order (100+ pounds of beef) but with Danielle's order as well.... over $5000 worth of grass fed beef, pastured pork and lamb!

Once we got back to town, I helped unload the van before heading home to split up the order with Amy. I am so excited about all the wonderful dishes we're going to enjoy this fall! OH... the stews... the roasts... the chili! OH MY!! We're so excited that we thawed out 2 different steaks to enjoy this week! Tomorrow night we're having Fillet Mignon!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Projects

Since I've had some time off this summer I've been trying to find different things to keep me busy. I spend time daily looking through the CareerBuilder/Monster/Craigslist job postings... and applying to everything that looks like a potential match. But a girl has to have something else to keep her mind off being unemployed or she'll go nuts! (At least I will!) So here are some of the things I've been doing this summer to keep myself occupied!

Kitchen Projects:
Painting - The first thing I did this summer was paint my kitchen! I absolutely loved the previous color (Wet Cement - a deep purple/grey color) but my kitchen was starting to feel too dark and gloomy. I decided to brighten things up a ton and settled on a cheerful yellow! Originally I planned to do a more muted color, but I've never been "muted" in my color choices for the house, so why settle now! I love it! It's very cheerful and bright and doesn't feel cave-like anymore!

Baking - I've been baking up a storm! From Bread to Bagels to cakes, muffins, cookies, flatbreads... I've been trying it all!

Canning - Before this year I would have never thought of canning my own foods. I didn't think I'd be very good at it. I didn't know if I'd enjoy it. I didn't know anything about it. Well... inspired by my sister in law, Lindsay, I decided to give it a shot. Mom and I have become experts in homemade jams! We've made strawberry jam, triple berry jam, peach jam, and pepper jam. I also made a few different kinds of plum jam with my friend Nikki.

A couple weeks ago Mom, Andrea, Keira and I went to a Peach "u-pick" set on bringing back about 20 pounds of peaches. Little did we know that the peaches would be the size of softballs.... and would be the best looking/smelling/tasting peaches we have ever seen! We also didn't realize that there would be hundreds of them tempting our little taste-buds and beckoning us to pick them! We ended up leaving the farm with over 75 pounds of peaches! Now... what on earth do you do with 75 pounds of peaches you ask...... you make some of the best peach recipes you can find! 3 batches of Fresh Peach Cobbler, Peach Pie, Peach Ice Cream, Peach Sorbet, and Peach Salsa! And you'd think after all of that you'd be out of peaches? Well you'd be wrong! We have sliced frozen peaches and some fresh peaches left.

Once I was able to come up for air after the peaches were taken care of, my neighbor gave me about 15 pounds of tomatoes. I decided to try my hand at canning some tomato sauce. I found a few different recipes and decided I could "wing it" based on what I had on hand at home. Here's what I did:

Blanch all the tomatoes (30 seconds in boiling water, followed by an ice water bath), remove skins.
Chop 2 onions, 3 carrots, 2 green bell peppers and put in a saucepan with 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp olive oil. Cooked until onions were transparent.
Chop up tomatoes and added to saucepan.
Add 1/2 cup red wine and 3 tbsp tomato paste
Add 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil, 2 bay leaves, and 2 tbsp Italian Seasoning and 4 minced cloves of garlic.
Add 3 celery stalks (quartered... leave bigger pieces as they are removed later)
Bring to a boil, then simmer for 2 hours.

At this point, I took my immersion blender and gave it a couple quick whirls in the sauce. I then ran the sauce through my kitchen strainer. I pulled out the celery, carrots and bay leaves. Once all the sauce had been strained, I took some of the onions, peppers, and all the tomato pieces and pureed them with the immersion blender with a little bit of the sauce. Once the mixture was pureed, I ran it through the strainer again and discarded any of the pieces that didn't go through the strainer (mostly tomato seeds). At this point, I stirred the sauce and added a touch of salt and pepper and then canned it.

I am very excited to try some of the sauce in a recipe. I'll be using some tonight in my "Sloppy Bombay Joes" that I'm going to make! I'm also going to be making the Massaged Kale Salad! I'm so excited for dinner tonight!! I love new recipes!

Something else that I've been doing to keep busy....

Dusted off my bike! I've been wanting a new bike for a couple years now.... and I keep complaining to Jason that my bike isn't "for me." I received it as a hand me down and because it isn't exactly what I want in a bike... I haven't been riding much. I have been wanting more of a road bike / commuter bike and not a mountain bike. Well, for as long as I have been whining.... Jason has been saying.... Show me you are interested in riding and then we'll revisit getting you a bike.

Well... I was being lame for a long time about it. I didn't want to ride the mountain bike because it's not made for the road. Well... that's just lame. Bikes are made for riding... and not collecting dust and taking up space in the garage/shed. So... I've been riding.

I try to ride Keira to school at least 2 times a week. We have both a trailer and a trail-a-bike and she loves them both! It's a nice little 3 mile loop taking her to school... and if I take her and pick her up, that's 6 miles a day!

I've also been going on a weekly ride with my mom. Sometimes we set out to just do a little ride along the trail (going to Lexington Dam and back from her house) and sometimes we decide to ride to lunch somewhere or on an errand and we make a decent ride of it. No matter what we set out to do, we end up going anywhere between 20 - 25 miles.

Mom caught the "Bike bug" pretty bad mid June! Chandra convinced her to do the San Jose Bike Party ride in June. She hadn't ridden her bike in years and the 25+ miles was a tough one for her. Well, since then she went an bought herself a new commuter bike and started riding her bike to and from work. She's also gotten active with the Bike Party Volunteers and does the Trial/Planning Rides.

Well, Mom's new found appreciation and enjoyment of riding is rubbing off on me. I've now gone on one of the Trial Rides and took part in my first official Bike Party ride this weekend.... a little 30 mile ride... "Hot August Lights."

I've been keeping track of my mileage and the different rides that I've been on and so far in just over a month I've ridden 165 miles. I have signed up for a couple different personal challenges....
300 miles in 30 days
1000 miles in 100 days
100 miles in 2010
500 miles by Labor Day

So far, I'm doing pretty good towards my goals.... but I do need to get a move on if I'm going to meet the Labor Day goal!

Blogging Break.....

Wow, I can't believe how much time has gone by since I posted last! I'm sorry I've been neglecting my blog. After returning from an incredibly fun 4th of July Clear Lake trip, I lost my job. I don't know how to put into words the roller coaster of emotions I've been feeling for the last 6 weeks, but I'll try.

Frustration! - Finally, after years of struggling as a single income family, we got back up on our feet and both Jason and I were working. We had a plan.... we were going to finally be able to pay down the debt we've incurred over the last few years. Just as soon as we all got accustomed to our new schedule... we get kicked back down!

Relief! - I hadn't been very happy with my job for months. I didn't feel like there was any growth opportunities and didn't really enjoy what I was doing. I wasn't happy going to work every day and didn't feel like any of what I did made a difference.

Depression! - I don't know how many times a girl can get laid off before she starts doubting herself/abilities/skills/knowledge/etc. I've been laid off more times than anyone I know! Since 2001 my positions have been relocated, outsourced, downsized, and eliminated 5 times! I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever find the right match for me.

Excited! - I'm excited for the potential opportunities that lay ahead. The unknown... the possibilities... the fresh start! It's all scary and new, but it's intriguing!

Tired! - Every time I start a new job.... I'm starting from scratch. I'm starting at the bottom... I'm coming in at the ground floor.... sometimes "entry level" because it's all I can do to bring money in to help support the family. I'm so tired of not advancing in my career. I'm tired of starting over. I'm tired of being the low man on the totem pole. I'm tired of not having any seniority. I'm tired of not being valued and appreciated. I'm tired of being overlooked because I don't have my degree.

Frightened! - It's been 6 weeks now.... and I've gotten no where with my job search. I'm starting to freak out a little that I won't find anything! I've submitted my resume to dozens of places and have only heard from 2 of them... both "Thanks but no thanks!" I'm scared that I'm not going to find anything... or that I'll have to settle for less money than I know I'm worth!

There are many more feelings and thoughts that come to mind, but mostly I'm just scared!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Garden Markers and Sister in Law....

My super crafty, very talented Sister In Law has started making these incredible Vintage Spoon Herb and Garden Markers. Another blog that we both follow (8 Muddy Boots) is going to be giving away 5 of Lindsay's beautiful little creations! Wouldn't you love to win some of these lovely creations!

When I grow up, I want to be as talented as she is! No, seriously.... she has an amazing vegetable garden that produce so much that her family can eat from it nightly! Yes, that's impressive... but to some it's normal. Well here's the kicker! They live in the desert! In the Las Vegas heat, she grows this amazing garden! Lindsay is also an incredible little quilt maker, seamstress, and all around crafty girl.... and she loves sharing her beautiful treasures with others! I am still incredibly shocked, honored and tickled pink that the very first quilt Lindsay ever made was given to Jason and I as a wedding gift! It's beautiful and the colors compliment our bedroom beautifully! Soon after she made a precious little quilt for my baby girl!

When I was a little girl growing up... I had 2 brothers... and then 3.... and all I wanted was a sister! Finally when I was 12, my mom gave me a sister.... and then at 14 she gave me 2 more. I love my sisters dearly... they are so much fun and such good people. When I was 29, my brother Wyatt gave me another sister and a friend when he married Lindsay.... and I love her so much!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A New Routine...

It's officially started today... the need for a new routine. Our old routine is no longer an option. Gone are the days of waking up at the last possible moment... savoring every last bit of sleep before it was imperative that I wake up and get ready for work... or be late!

Here upon us are the days of waking up early...
rousing a sleeping baby (ok I know she isn't a baby anymore!)
convince Little Miss to get dressed, brush teeth and hair, eat breakfast and make her bed (HAHAHA I know... but hopefully one day!)
Gather lunches, backpacks and purses and head off to work/school.

The hard part, as if getting up early isn't going to be difficult enough, will be our new night routine...
Come home, unpack lunch boxes, make lunches for the following day, make dinner, eat dinner, dinner dishes, quick clean up of the house, family time, early bedtime for Little Miss, unwinding time and the early bedtime for the grown-ups... rinse and repeat!

Things are going to get interesting around our house!! At least for a little while until this new routine becomes habit! I can't wait to get things dialed in... and perfected!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Here I go again!

In 2004 I saw a stack of pamphlet at a Starbucks for the Susan G Komen 3Day in San Francisco. I picked it up and thought... this sounds like it could be fun; I could do that! It got me to thinking about the family friends that had fought hard to be a Breast Cancer survivor or were currently waging their own was on cancer. Soon, I went from "I could do this" to "I should do this!" to "I am going to do this!!" I recruited my best friend/mom to join me on the journey and off we went!

Day 1 of the walk came up fast. We had both reached our fundraising goals and started our 3Days determined to take it all in! Along the way we met amazing women and men who were happy to share their story.... some survivors, some widowers, some daughters who lost their mothers, some who walked in honor of those who couldn't. Each and every story touched my heart. (As I sit here writing this I have chills thinking of each of those stories.) We even met some fun cute little San Jose Police officers who happily provided a safe escort through our day's journey. I'll never forget Office Naughty (as we dubbed him)... he was a ton of fun along the way! When day 3 came to an end... after the closing ceremony ended, we took our tired bodies and feet to the car and headed home knowing that my 3Day journey wasn't over.

I quickly decided to do the San Diego 3Day in 2005. This time around my neighbor friend Tali wanted to do it with me. Her mother was a survivor and she wanted to walk in her honor! I had never been to San Diego, so walking 60 miles through the town along the beaches, through the communities was amazing! There were such beautiful views and people along the way. We met up with a friend of mine from So-Cal (Aimee) and her mom and friend... so there were 5 of us walking strong! As Day 3 came to an end I was happy! I felt great and I wanted more!

In 2006 I registered for my 3rd 3Day and started fundraising. Within a few weeks I found out I was pregnant and would be 38 weeks along at the time of the walk. My 3peat would have to wait. As the next couple years passed by life got a little crazy and money got a little tighter and my network for fundraising shrunk as I became a stay at home mom.

Fast forward to present day.... I discovered that 3 of the lovely ladies I used to work with had signed up for the San Francisco 3Day this October 1 - 3. I immediately decided that if they would have me as a teammate / tentmate.... I was all in! I asked my hubby what his thoughts were and he said to go for it... so here I am! Yesterday I officially registered for my 3rd 3Day adventure! This time around, I'm looking forward to sharing this amazing journey with Evelyn, Meghan and Nicole! They are tons of fun, lots of laughs and I don't get to see them nearly as much as I'd like to! If I can't see them every day at work... they'll be stuck with me for 3 glorious days!

If you would like to sponsor me for the 3Day you can do so by visiting here

A Change is going to come!

I can't believe I'm about to say this..... I've been waiting such a long time for these words to pass by my lips! Oh what an exciting day this is!

Changes are going to come....
changes that frighten me..... excite me.... make me happy... make me anxious..... make me nervous... make me giddy and want to jump for joy!

OK, here goes...... JASON GOT A JOB!

Yes, people... you heard it hear first! As I write this entry, he is meeting with HR signing all his new hire paperwork, taking his drug test and discussing his start date! (We think he'll be starting as early as Monday!)

So, here's why I feel the way I do about it:

I'm overjoyed that finally after years of looking someone finally saw his potential and said "We want you to be a part of our team!"

I'm in mourning..... for 5 years Jason has been the #1 reason our house doesn't look like a tornado blew through! He's done the majority of the cooking and cleaning and laundry and grocery shopping since I returned to work 2 years ago. I'm losing my househusband! I'm going to have to start cooking (which I don't mind), cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping, scrubbing floors/toilets/windows, etc!

I'm excited that after all these years, we'll be a 2 income family again! Things are not going to be as stressful financially as they have been! We might even be able to afford to have date nights and family vacations!!!

I'm nervous because, although my baby girl is 3 1/2, we have never had to entrust anyone with her day to day care. Either Jason or myself were home with her for every day of her life! She'd have sleep overs with the grandparents... and we'd have a sitter for her for an few hours here and there.... but never away from one of us (or a grandparent) for more than a few hours. Soon, she'll be in day care! We're lucky enough that for the summer.... she'll be spending 3 days a week with our amazing friend Nicole (who has her masters degree in early childhood education!!!!!) The other 2 days she'll get to spend with her Auntie Chandra and another great friend Mishelle (another Masters Degree in Education!!!) Once summer ends, and school starts back up again Keira will start pre-school. We're thinking that since she'll be starting Kindergarten in the fall of 2011, she should start Jr. K this fall. We'll see what we find by way of pre-schools and waiting lists!

I'm anxious because this is a big change for our whole family! We have a routine now... and it's going to go out the window! We're going to have to make some major adjustments to everyone's sleep schedule. We're going to have to change up dinner time, wake up time, breakfast time etc. We're going to have to start putting together brown bag lunches for the whole family! We need to figure out a new schedule that is going to work for the whole family.

With all the mixed bag of emotions... I am most of all proud of my husband! He's been overlooked, under appreciated, criticized and judged for the last few years. It's been a rough road to get where he is.... not everyone understands the roll of a stay at home father. I know it took me a while to stop resenting him for me having to go to work every day while he stayed home with our little girl. Once I let go of my anger (at the situation - not him) I realized that if I couldn't be home with our little girl.... there was no one I'd rather have home with her than her father! He is an incredible father... he has raised a happy, healthy, well adjusted little girl. Most of all... I have been so happy to have witnessed the bond between them grow stronger and stronger every day! I am so thankful to have met and married such a good man!

Enjoy this last day with our little one... then it's off to work you go!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wow, time flies!

The last couple weeks have been so much fun... they have just flown right by.

As June arrives.... so does "Birthday Season" in my family and circle of friends! In just my closest friends and family there are 15 birthdays in June. Throw in the mix Anniversaries, Graduation, Father's Day, the start Summer and it makes for a very busy Amber!

Last weekend, to kick off Birthday month, I went to Reno, NV to celebrate mine with one of my closest friends, Mishelle. It juts happens that her birthday is 2 days after mine! Out husbands thought it would be a treat to give us a "break" from mommyhood and send us away for the weekend. It was a treat. I've somehow over the last few years forgotten how to let my hair down and have fun.
In my day to day, I feel like I have to be the responsible one. I have to be available to anyone and everyone who might need me at the drop of a hat. I enjoy an adult beverage here and there... but it's a rare occasion that I over indulge. Well, over indulge I did for my birthday retreat! We ate some incredible food, played cards, hung out by the very full and flowing Truckee River and enjoyed a few (many) adult beverages!

One of the things I wanted to do on our trip was check out at least one of the many Diners, Drive Ins and Dives along our route and at our destination. I made a list of the featured restaurants in Sacramento and in Reno figuring we might stop to eat on the way up on Friday. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the Sacramento locations. On Sat night I was determined to go to one. We didn't want to move my car (because parking was severely limited due to the Euro Fest) so we tried to figure out where we could walk. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that the Gold n Silver Inn was just a couple blocks away from our hotel. It didn't disappoint! I had the Trip Tip Sandwich and Mishelle had the Sourdough Melt! SO YUMMY! We finished up the night celebrating our birthdays at the Euro Fest, where we indulged in too manyJägermeister shots and Über Beers! We had too much fun!

When I woke up at 5am (WHAT?? WHY???) I thought for sure there would be no way humanly possible that I could leave the room... let alone drive home! Thankfully, I was eventually able to fall back to sleep until around 9am. We woke up and decided it was time pack up and get the heck out of dodge. We headed off for some much needed food and coffee! Soon we were pulling into Truckee to have breakfast at the Squeeze Inn, which had been featured on Throwdown with Bobby Flay. Being a little bit hung-over from the previous nights festivities… I found the menu a tad bit overwhelming! Seriously…. Over 40 different types of omelettes? How do you decide between the Racy Tracy, Hot Sweaty Busboy, Your Mom or the Dirty Dick? Or Band Geeks United, Ditz Crew, Hangover Helper or the F.N.A. In my slightly diminished mental state I struggled to decide… so I went with their version of my standard favorite… the Denver Omelet…. The Gare Babe’s Denver. Now, this wasn’t just any Denver Omelet… it was quite possibly the best Denver Omelet I’ve ever had! The PERFECT Hangover/Birthday Breakfast!

The Drive home from Reno was tons of fun! A drive... fun? Really?? We didn't rush home, though I missed my potamus like crazy! We stopped several times.... stopped to check out scenic overlooks, stopped to play in the snow and throw snowballs at Shelle.... stopped at Ikedas to pick up some stuffed olives for my honey... and of course stopped at In-n-Out for Shelle!

When I got home I was pooped! I was ready to relax and go to sleep, but when I opened to door and my baby girl was there with my honey.... and they greeted me with a homemade cake and a birthday song, my heart was happy and there was no where in the world I'd rather be! (I didn't even mind watching Stanley Cup Playoffs on my birthday!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Up to my ears in Strawberries!

After joining the Live Earth Farm CSA, I discovered that they offer "Community Days" several times through the season. During the community days, they offer tours of the farm, hedgerow plantings and U-pick opportunities. For the U-Pick, they might offer Strawberry, Raspberry, Apricots, Apples, Watermelon, Pumpkins and more. They even let visitors come down on Friday nights and camp out on the farm!

On Saturday morning, Brittany, Keira, Grandma Dub and I headed off to the farm. We gathered our baskets, gloves and hats and hiked down to the strawberry fields. We were warned that the walk to the fields would take about 30 minutes, however I had no idea that it was all downhill. (Not a problem going down, but returning with a couple full flats of berries was a different story!)

I have never seen such beautiful strawberries.... perfectly ripe for the picking! Many of the children in the field sat happily picking and eating berry after berry! They all wore the tell tale red stained mouth, cheeks and fingers giving them away!
Keira thoroughly enjoyed picking them, but rather than eat them, she was excited to fill our baskets.... as did the rest of us!

After we quickly filled the first flat, we decided to get another.... after all, $15 for a full flat of organic strawberries is unheard of around here! We had visions of jams, ice cream, margaritas, and smoothies in our heads! After filling the second flat, we headed off to the staging area for the tractor ride to the top of the hill. We quickly decided that the wait was longer and the exercise would be welcome! (We had quite a few strawberries to work off!) The hike back was a little tougher, but we still ended up reaching the top before the first load of tractor passengers and we were on a time schedule; Brittany had to be at work soon.

Once we got back to Grandma Dub's house and saw Brittany off to work, we started the task of washing, hulling and mashing strawberries. During this time, I also made my batch of bread for the week. This was by far the best batch yet! Warm weather and fresh yeast! What a glorious combination!
We ended up making 3 different kinds of freezer Jam. Option 1. Low Sugar, Option 2. Liquid Pecton with Lemon, Option 3. Liquid Pecton with lemon with 10 minute resting period. Option 4. Cooked Jam (shown below).

We also ended up with 3 gallon sized freezer bags full of frozen strawberries, perfect for smoothies and Margaritas. After several hours, 24 - 8 ounce bottles/containers of jam we were still left with 4 or 5 baskets of strawberries. We hulled and sliced a couple baskets to use for strawberry shortcake and ice cream, but those would have to wait till tomorrow. Mom and I could hardly stand to be on our feet any longer, Keira was starving, and she and I needed to get home.

It was a great day! Next time around, I hope to have a few more sisters around to help with the post picking process, but Mom and I survived... and we had a great time together!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What a beautiful spread!

We picked up our first CSA share this afternoon. Wow, I'm glad that we're sharing this with Mom.... cause right now, I don't think that the 3 of us could eat all of this in a week if we didn't. I do hope to start incorporating more vegetables into our diet... but for now we get our 3 - 4 servings of greens and a couple servings of fruit.

The spread this week is beautiful! There are things that I've never had before... that I haven't cooked before, that I wasn't quite sure what they were. Everything we got though.. I am excited to try. Here's what we received this week: Arugula, Broccoli, Carrots, Chard, Escarole, Fava Beans, Green Garlic, Lettuce, Pac Choi, Young Onions, Spinach, Summer Squash, Tatsoi, 6 artichokes and 2 baskets of Strawberries.

We split everything up and packaged up Grandma Dub's portion and then started thinking about our "plan of attack" for eating everything before it goes bad. We decided to wash and put away all the greens. I packaged up our strawberries, carrots, onion, squash and artichokes. We ended up cooking all of the broccoli and some green garlic in a garlic/broccoli/spinach dish that Jason makes using some of our homemade beef broth. Mmmmnnn!

After dinner Keira wanted dessert, so I washed and sliced up all the strawberries. I topped them with a little homemade whipped cream and they vanished in minutes! I love that she's excited about a bowl of strawberries as dessert! (on a side note, she was quite distraught when she discovered that her "weekly strawberry" from the garden was eaten by a bird!)

I think we're going to be quite happy with our weekly CSA order! Thanks MOM!!! You rock!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just say "NO" to GMO!

So, now that I've taken off my blinders and started looking at the food I've been feeding my family I have a vast range of feelings.

I am angry
I am scared

I'm making a push to switch over to an organic diet. I've already started making a lot of what we're eating from scratch, but it's time to take things further. I never realized how much of the processed crap in the stores is made using Genetically Modified/Manufactured/Mutated ingredients! What scares me is that companies are not required to tell you that their products are made using these GMO products. In fact, one way to guarantee that you aren't buying these kind of products is to buy Organic. I also discovered that Trader Joe's line of foods are all GMO Free. I found quite a few resources on "How to avoid GMO" and a shopping guide with a detailed list of Brands containing GMO and ones that don't.

We don't have a big budget for groceries so it's hard sometimes to think about spending more money on Organic Milk ($6/gallon) versus Generic store brand milk ($3.49/gallon). However, if spending a little more money on quality, healthy, and natural products will make an improvement in our health, I'm all for it. If spending a little more money helps support our local farmers, I'm all for it.

Every time we go to the grocery store, we "cast our vote" and what we buy lets the big food manufacturers know what we want.... and if we're buying crap, that's what they'll g ive us more of... an if we want some thing better than what they are offering... they'll hear us! Maybe then a real Food Revolution will start... and just maybe more an more people will start taking back their kitchens!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My little Garden Girl!

Keira is finally getting to enjoy some of the fruits of our labor! She's such a great little helper... and she sings while we work! What more could a mom ask for!

Our little strawberry plant is growing bigger and bigger... and Keira now gets to eat about 1 - 2 berries a week. It't not much... but she LOVES IT!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Backyard Chickens and Raw Milk anyone?

Today Grandma Dub, Keira and I went on a little adventure. We heard about a group of families in Alameda who were opening up their yards to let people see their backyard chicken coops. There were several different types of coops.... some made with plywood and chicken wire, some with reclaimed/re-purposed redwood, and some that looked like little doll houses/children's playhouses. It was very clear that most of the houses along the tour didn't just think of their chicken as utilitarian "egg layers"... and more like family pets! There were some different species of chickens which were absolutely beautiful! Some of my favorite were:
Slikies - There were several silkies... white and black. Very cute. They look like tiny little fluff balls!
Mille Fleur Belgian D'Uccle... this little bantam girl was adorable. She was bandaged up though, as she broke her wing trying to outrun a neighbor dog! Her eggs were TINY! (Apparently very tasty though!
Black Sex Link... there were a variety of sex links along the tour. I especially loved how some of them had a shimmery blue tint to some of their feathers in certain lighting.
Crested Polish.... You've got to love the little Feathered Afro these chickens have! They are just so funny looking, you can't help but love them!
Easter Eggers / Americananas... these beautiful ladies were big girls! Beautiful oranges and reds.
Wyandotte... another big girl. She was very pretty blackish bird.

After spending the day touring all these coops, it made me want to get some chickens of our own. Unfortunately, we don't have the kind of backyard which would be very fitting to chickens.... we have ZERO grass, and the only vegetation is my garden and I wouldn't want them tromping through there. So, we'll have to settle for fresh eggs from Grandma Dub's house.... well in 5 months that is!

Keira was a great on the tour. She didn't complain about getting in and out of the car, over and over and over. She didn't chase the chickens, she didn't try to catch them, and she only pet them when they would come up to her extended hand. I was impressed! She did rather enjoy the houses along the way which had sand boxes and toys for her to play with. She also loved looking at the baby bunnies in the rabbit hutch. At one point though.... after scraping her arm along a brick wall... she lost her sense of adventure and humor. GONE... out the window. Stick a fork in her... she's DONE!

We noticed a cute little market as we were pulling up to one of the house so...G-Dub and I bribed her with some juice. Please be good... be patient... and after this house we'll go to the market. Well she was, so we did! WOW! I would love to live next to a little market like this. There was a fresh bakery, a sushi bar, a butcher/meat counter, and a kitchen gadget shop all around the perimeter. The meat counter had an incredible selection of grass-fed meats, wild fish, pastured pork and poultry. They displayed the ranch name from where the meats were from. WOW... places do that?

We walked into the grocery section greeted by a tray of fresh cut strawberry samplers. Behind there were strawberries laid out for you to put together your own basket. Places do that? WOW! The produce section looked so colorful and fresh! I knew I wanted chocolate, and I was curious... so we walked to the dairy section. There before our wondering eyes did appear... RAW WHOLE MILK! They had Raw Milk, Raw Cream, Raw Colostrum (Not sure I want to try that one) They even had chocolate Raw Colostrum. Hmmmm. I have NEVER seen Raw Milk sold in a grocery store! I've been quite curious to try it so we picked up a quart at a whopping $5.60!!

We got to the car... got Keira in her car seat... and loaded up with her juice. She was content and Mom and I were anxious to try the milk. I don't know why.... but I was shocked at how "normal" it tasted! Actually, for whole milk (which anyone who knows me know I hate!) it was smooth, light, refreshing and left a wonderful texture/aftertaste behind. I don't like typical whole milk because it tastes/feels like I'm drinking like heavy cream. This Raw Milk was great and it went wonderfully with my chocolate bar!

Oh... the quart of milk, in case you might wonder barely made it home! Between G-Dub, Keira and I we drank almost half of it. Once we got home... Keira was begging for some "Cow Milk" (as opposed to Almond Milk aka "Grandma Milk" or Egg Nog aka "Snowman Milk."

Now I just need to find a place to buy it where it doesn't cost $arm and $leg!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Feeling like a victim...

So this week I goofed up and didn't submit my timecard in time... so rather than having my paycheck direct deposited as usual, I got a live check. I decided to go deposit my check at lunch today... and BOY AM I GLAD I DID!

After depositing my check and trying to pull cash out... and being told that I couldn't as there were no funds available I called Jason to find out WTF!!

Well after doing some investigating on his end... he discovers that


Some "woman" of the female dog variety cashed a check against our account and wiped us out! Not only did she take every penny, it overdrew our account!

Jason immediately hung up with me and went to the bank to try and find out how this could happen! How does someone cash a check with a signature that is obviously not his. How can a check be cleared in an account that doesn't have the correct Bank's name on it! How can a check that is SO far out of sequence not raise any flags!!??

So after a couple hours... a notarized fraud report... a police report.... closing our account... opening a new account... Jason was able to get the bank to credit our money back. (But only so long as it turns out we were the victims of check fraud.) OMG!

I am so grateful that Jason was able to take care of all of this. I don't know if I could have maintained my composure. I would have cried... but probably would have had a hard time remaining calm.. and not getting angry.

Now we have lots of work to do on our end to get this whole mess straightened out! YUCK!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CSA Membership!

I am so excited, I just have to share quickly!

After finding out recently that our neighbors (Chris and Amy) are the host site for their CSA, Mom and I decided to join! We get our first share next Thursday! Mom and I are going to share a Family Share. The picture is a sample of what a typical family share looks like! WOW, we're going to be Veggie eating Queens here pretty soon!

Jason and I were lucky enough to benefit from the misfortune of another CSA member who forgot to pick up their share last week! We received a Single Share and WOW was there a ton of produce! Things I've never had before... and certainly never made before! Now I need to figure out how to cook Fava Beans, Escarole, Tatsoi, and Mei qing choi. Oh boy this is going to be fun!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pantry Update

I had this vision in my head of how I would rearrange my pantry... I was actually quite excited about the possibilities of the kitchen transformation. Unfortunately, things didn't work out quite as I intended... I thought I would move everything to the cupboard where the dishes are, but spacing was a problem. I did move some stuff around and I think I've made a good start.

I've moved the brown rice and the wheat flour to bigger containers, since we've been going trough them more regularly recently. Now, I just need to find some cupboard space to store them.

Adventure's in cooking....

Jason and I both had a HUGE steak left over from our anniversary dinner on Saturday. We decided to have them for dinner on Sunday. Well, when we were finished eating we were both left which a huge bone on our plate. I decided to make a beef broth, so I threw them in the crock pot with some carrots, onion, celery, rosemary, thyme and water and let it simmer overnight. YUMMY!

Keira and I also had several unloved bananas that we decided to make some Banana Bread with. I don't know what was more enjoyable... the smell of the broth or the smell of the banana bread! It was an incredible batch of banana bread though! YUMMY!

We also tried a recipe from my new cookbook "Eating Well 500 Calorie Dinners" which gives you ideas for an entrée, side dish and either a second side dish or a dessert which all add up to around 500 calories. Tonight we had the following:
Lemon-Garlic Shrimp & Vegetables. Makes 4 servings.

4 tsp EVOO, divided (I used coconut oil)
2 large red bell peppers, diced
2 pounds asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1" lengths
2 tsp freshly grated lemon zest
1/2 tsp salt, divided
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound raw shrimp (26 - 30 per pound), peeled and deveined
1 cup reduced sodium chicken broth (I used my homemade broth)
1 tsp cornstarch
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp freshly chopped parsley

Heat 2 tsp oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add bell peppers, asparagus, lemon zest and 1/4 tsp salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until just beginning to soften, about 6 minutes. Transfer the vegetables to a bowl; cover to keep warm.

Add the remaining oil and garlic to the pan and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add shrimp and cook, stirring for one minute. Whisk broth and cornstarch in a small bowl until smooth and add to the pan along with the remaining 1/4 tsp salt. Cook, stirring until the sauce has thickened slightly and the shrimp are pink and just cooked through, about 2 minutes more. Remove from heat. Stir in lemon juice and parsley. Serve the shrimp over the vegetables.

1 serving = 227 calories, 7g fat, 173mg cholesterol, 14g carbs, 28g protein, 4g fiber, 618 mg sodium, 670 mg potassium. Nutritional BONUSES: Vitamin C (210% daily value), Vitamin A (80% DV), Folate (53% DV) and Iron (25% DV).

The suggested side dishes are: Cauliflower & Couscous Pilaf (162 cal) or Quinoa with fresh herbs (1/2 cup for 111 cal.) and either a Papaya-Lime Sorbet (199 cal) or a glass of white wine (5 oz for 116 cal.)

We didn't have any of the side dishes. though we decided to try with Quinoa next time. A definite make again.

a beautiful weekend!

I was spoiled this weekend!

When Jason and I married 4 years ago, it never crossed my mind how often our anniversary would coincide with Mother's Day. For the last 3 years our anniversary has fallen within 2 days of Mother's Day. This year they were both on the same day!

We decided earlier in the week to celebrate our anniversary on Sat night, since Jason had a late night hockey game on Sunday night. We went out for an amazing dinner at Alexander's Steakhouse! We have been to Alexander's several times and it's never a disappointment! They have wonderful cocktails, incredible wine selections, mouthwatering appetizers, steaks that melt like butter in your mouth, and a dessert selection that can not be described it's so wonderful! BUT what makes Alexander's somewhere that we enjoy frequenting over and over again... their service! Although it might be a little "Big Brother" ish... they keep a customer profile on their repeat customers. They remember if you like a Bombay Sapphire martini before dinner.... a Bone-in Fillet for an entrée... or Creme Brulee for dessert! We usually get the same server and the same table... and they ALWAYS make whatever occasion we are celebrating special.

This trip to Alexander's was no different, except they were celebrating their anniversary as well. So, in addition to our complimentary champagne and creme brulee, they were offering Five of their favorite bottles of red wine, five of their favorite white and five of their favorite sparkling wines for $5 a glass! You can believe that I indulged! Jason and I were going to try the Chef's Tasting until we heard the specials. They were offering a few different cuts (T-Bone, Porterhouse and a New York) from a local ranch that offers Hormone free, Antibiotic Free and Naturally fed beef! You can believe we jumped at that! We both ordered the New York. We had a Prime Rib with Foie Gras Slider Dipper as an appetizer and then we shared a wedge salad with applewood bacon. When our steaks arrived.... we realized that we could have shared a steak as well! They were HUGE! I think between the two of us we only ate 1/2 of one steak total! After dessert we called Jason's parents (our chauffeurs for the evening) to come pick us up (with Keira in tow) and take us all home. We went home, put on the Sharks game (GO SHARKS!!!!) and put Keira to bed. What a great night!

Sunday morning I awoke to the feeling (smell) of Keira's breath on my face. As soon as I opened my eyes, she gave me a giant kiss and told me "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy! Now let's go cross it off the calendar!" She loves her little calendar... it helps her to know which days I am home from work, which days she has places to go and which are special days. Jason and Keira go up and left me to sleep in! OH HOW LOVELY!

As I was getting up and getting ready for the day, Keira comes in to tell me goodbye.

"Mommy, we'll be right back! Daddy and I are going to go get you flowers at the flower store!"

Jason and I had a great laugh, because she has no concept of a secret! Also, my anniversary gift surprise to Jason (Shari's Berries) was ruined by FedEx... who delivered them while I wasn't home and the box says BERRIES / Shari's Berries all over it!

They came home with the most beautiful floral arrangement! I want to take them to and from work with me every day.... so I get to enjoy them as much as possible! There are a bunch of roses, stargazer lilies, Gerbera daisies, and more! They might just be the prettiest flowers anyone has ever given me!

My heart is full of love.... I had such a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thought for the day...

I saw this in a blog I was reading this morning and it made my heart smile!

"If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme" from the song When You Wish Upon a Star.

To me, this means if I put my whole heart into something, it's sure to come true.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Meal Plan 5/3 - 5/8

The Meal Plan from last week was mostly a success. There were a few changes made, due to last minute additions to our schedule.

Thursday Jason ended up going to a Sharks playoff game, so we didn’t barbeque. Keira and I had a nice surprise on Wednesday night (Andrea coming home for the weekend) so we decided to go to Grandma’s house for dinner and I made Chicken Enchiladas. They were so good! That was always one of my favorite dinners mom would make growing up! I should try to make them more often! We ended up barbequing steaks on Friday night. So, my first attempt at a meal plan for the week was mostly a success! We just missed one recipe that I had planned.

Here’s our menu plan for this week:

Monday - 4 Minute Spicy Garlic Shrimp (I substitute Coconut Oil for the Olive Oil… it gives it a subtle hint of coconut which is really nice!). Serving with wild rice and broccoli. Homemade ice cream for dessert!

Tuesday – Leftover Lasagna and a garden salad

Wednesday – Vermicelli Peasant Style

Thursday - Pecan Crusted Chicken with a Garden Salad

Friday - Chili Verde and Spanish Rice

Saturday we are going to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary by going to Benihani’s for dinner as a family. I’m just glad that we’re going somewhere that won’t have TVs… so I don’t have to share Jason’s attention with the Sharks!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I’m realizing more and more each day that as a family… we have TOO much stuff!

We are in need of some serious re-organization and simplifying! All the closets/cupboards/drawers in our house are in need of an overhaul!

Our top cubby in our Hall closet is a source of tension for Jason and I. When I leave something out or he doesn’t know where to put something of mine or Keira’s he puts it in the hall closet…. And lately he’s been shoving it in there an hoping that the doors don’t pop open! I’ve been ignoring the problem, hoping that it’ll just go away on its own, but we all know that isn’t going to happen! This past week we made a deal… if I took care of the dreaded cubby in the hall closet, he would add another shelf in the kitchen cupboard for me. That was enough to get me motivated, since the kitchen has been driving me crazy since we moved in 6 years ago!

I took everything from the hall closet and threw it in a huge heaping pile in the living room. I brought in the recycle bin and a garbage can and set to work. I started with all of Keira’s coloring books, activity books, puzzle books and decided to dedicate an entire shelf to Keira. Now, her play-doh, paper dolls, coloring books/crayons etc are organized and in her reach. I made another shelf for my books…. Not parenting books (those are in the bottom cubby), binders, photo albums, and Keira’s “work in progress” Baby Book. The Third shelf is dedicated to my sewing kit, Kleenex and iPod accessories. When I got stumped on where to put something, I’d leave it and come back to it. If I couldn’t think of where to put it, or what purpose was served by having it… I tossed it. There were a few items which I agonized over whether or not to keep them…. And in the end, I tossed them. I filled the recycle bin and an entire garage bag and it felt good!

Once I finished, I decided it was time to move on to the main bath. I went through the medicine cabinet and tossed anything that hasn’t been used yet this year. Things I had been holding on to “because they were a gift” or “because they were expensive” that I haven’t been using because I don’t like they way they feel on my skin…. Garbage. All those hotel bottle lotions that I grab, because you can never have too much hand lotion, but I don’t use cause they stink or because they are too greasy… Garbage! Stretched out pony tail holders… hmmm don’t I have short hair?Garbage! I consolidated all the bottles/containers I could, threw away everything I could and gave my bathroom a very long overdue ceiling to floor scrubbing! I don’t think it’s been that clean in at least a year… maybe longer. YIKES!

I have a list I’m working on of areas in the house which need major love. I am hoping to check at least one area off the list each week! Here are some of the area’s which I’ll be hitting in the next few weeks:

  • The kitchen pantry has gotten way out of control! Too many spices, cans, boxes of pasta for too small of a space.
  • The entry way closet is packed full of jackets the never get worn.
  • The Master Closet is filled with clothes/shoes that don’t fit, are no longer stylish or I just plain old don’t like/wear.
  • My dresser has become somewhere I just throw things into the drawers when I don’t feel like hanging them up. I also am the owner of entirely TOO many pairs of pajama bottoms, many of which I never wear or don’t fit.
  • The office. I don’t even know where to start, but a major overhaul needs to occur!

Here's a picture of my pantry. It’s frightening to admit how disorganized it is, but I have a plan! I’m hoping by this time next week to report that I can check it off my list!

Menu Plan 4/26 - 4/30

I’m trying to be better about planning ahead for things… especially dinners! It’s so much easier to start the week out with a plan of attack for things. Here’s our meal plan for this week through Friday, cause once the weekend comes planning usually goes out the window!

Monday: Left over Pizza Chicago
Tuesday: Classic Chicken and Coconut Soup
Wednesday: Chicken Lyonnaise
Thursday: Steak, Garden Salad, Artichokes
Friday: Chili Verde and
Spanish Rice with Garden Salad

I'm excited to start using my chicken stock so I tried to find 2 new recipes to try and 2 family favorites!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another Kitchen Success!!

This weekend Keira and I made Bagels! They took a lot longer than I thought they would to rise, I think because we use 100% whole wheat flour, so we broke up our baking session over two days. Saturday, we made the flour and let the dough rise once and then we put it in the fridge for the night. Sunday morning, I set my alarm for 6am so I could get up and take out the dough and let it come to room temperature by the time we woke up and had breakfast.

After we made pancakes, the dough was at room temperature, so we added in our cinnamon, sugar and raisins. We then divided the dough into 14 little balls,weighing each one to make sure they were about the same size. We poked a hole in each one and tried to get them to resemble a bagel as much as possible and let them raise again.

I am so please with how they turned out! Keira loves them, of course. She still thinks they are doughnuts! If she grows up thinking that is what doughnuts are and doesn't eat a real doughnut... I don't object!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bird in the Oven...

Here I go again doubting myself… for no reason!

I got home from work last night planning on making a delicious sounding recipe that I found on Recipezaar. When I booted up my laptop to find the recipe it froze.

Seriously! I don’t have time for this! I need to throw together the ingredients, chop up some veggies and get this beast in the oven so I can go enjoy Happy Hour with Shelle!

What am I going to do if I don’t know what the ingredients are?
I need a recipe!
I don’t want to screw up this beautiful bird, I need someone to tell me what to do!

OK, screw it, I don’t have time for this! Man up, Amber! Or rather Wo-man up!

So, I ran out to the front yard and grabbed 4 sprigs of Fresh Rosemary, 6 sprigs of fresh Thyme and 6 Fresh Sage leaves. I love my herb garden!!

I took the 3 of the Rosemary sprigs and 4 of the Thyme Sprigs and tied together and shoved them into the bird’s cavity. I pulled the skin away from the breast meat and took the 6 Sage leaves and placed 3 on each breast underneath the skin. (I remember this being something that Mom does to our Thanksgiving Turkey, and it looks beautiful when the skin has cooked and is a crisp golden brown with the Sage leaves showing through.)

I sprayed the bird down with a bit of Olive Oil and ground fresh pepper over its breasts. I then chopped up the rest of the Thyme and rub it all over the bird’s breasts and thighs.

I had some fresh fennel from the Farmer’s Market that I wanted to cook, so I chopped it up along with some red potatoes and put those in a casserole dish along with some olive oil, garlic and the remaining (now chopped) Fresh Rosemary. I set the bird down in the middle of the dish (pushing the veggie mixture to the side) and called it good! Nervously, I shoved a meat thermometer in and put the bird in the oven, set it to 350 degrees and left to go enjoy some girl time!

After enjoying a wonderful Strawberry Margarita (or two) it was time to come home to Keira and Jason and enjoy our family dinner….. and it was great! I was pleased with myself. I didn’t have an exactly list of ingredients and measurements to guide me through and I still made something that turned out quite tasty! Now I just wish I had taken a picture of it before we cut it up!

Tonight I plan on taking the carcass (sitting in the fridge in a stockpot of water waiting for me) and throw it in the crock pot along with some onion, celery and carrot…. And the thyme and rosemary which are still in the cavity. Mmmmmm, this will be my first experience making homemade stock, but I’m excited to try! Maybe I'll get over this whole low self esteem in the kitchen thing one of these days too!

Monday, April 19, 2010

And the winner is....

Me? Really! I'm in shock! I never win anything, but that's changed now!
I'm excited for it to arrive in the mail!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Garden Update

After spending the better part of the day pulling weeds I thought it was time to take some pictures of garden. I'm so excited with how much everything is growing.

We finally have little corn sprouts!

Keira's very excited to point out
the little strawberries
that are starting to grow on her plant!
I discovered that I'm off season with our broccoli, but they are still growing!
Look at all those beautiful carrots! I can't wait to sample them!
When I started the garden, I thought it would be a fun little experiment and something that Keira would enjoy. I thought that it would be good for her to learn where real food comes from! Little did I know how much I would enjoy everything about it! Everything... the getting dirty, the weeding, the anxiously awaiting sprouts to make their appearances, the smiles and pride on Keira's face when she shows off our garden! It's been such a great experiment for me!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


While we were visiting Las Vegas, Keira fell in love with Lindsay's Bagels. I've decided to try making some homemade bread. I always doubt my abilities in the kitchen when trying new things. I am afraid I'll make a mistake... afraid that it won't turn out like I imagine it to. I don't know why I just can't trust myself to succeed, I always do.

I had a great time making Carrot Cookies with Keira while waiting for the dough for the bread to rise. Finally it did and once the bread was out of the oven...
it was a huge hit! Keira loves it!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Articles to read

I've been coming across several articles that I want to read... and was trying to figure out how to keep track of them. I thought I would share here so everyone can benefit from my list.

I also wanted to keep track of this website... as it looks interesting:

Friday, April 9, 2010

How do Working Mom's do it!

How do other moms working outside the house keep on top of everything! It seems that the more I do... the more I have left to do. I haven't mastered the art of staying on top of everything.

If the laundry is washed, folded and put away in the same day it's a miracle (or Jason did it)!

If the garden is weeded.. chances are that dinner is going to be late to the table.

I'm trying to figure it all out, and thankfully I have a supportive husband who isn't above doing dishes, washing the laundry, and dusting the living room! He's wonderful.... otherwise, we'd be living in a pile of dust bunnies and dirty dishes!

I'm trying to figure out a way to simplify our lives and live healthier. I used to follow the Fly Lady program and it was amazing how easy it seemed to keep the house clean. Of course, this was pre-Keira so we'll have to see how things work now. I think it's time to get out my Fly Binder and update a few things and start "Flying" again.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time flies when you're....

going crazy, having fun, traveling, gardening and working.

Recently, Keira and I took a trip out to Las Vegas with "Broken" Grandma Dub in tow to pay a visit to WLAH... aka Wyatt, Lindsay, and Addison and Huckleberry Dog! I say "Broken" Grandma, because I was "Amber the torturer" and picked up mom from the hospital after her hand surgery and put her in the car to immediately drive out to Vegas. I mean really... what better way to recover from having your finger bone shaved down and 2 pins put in your finger than by jumping in the car for a 10 hour bump filled drive!

In all seriousness though, I thought we should take advantage of Mom's time off work and my Holiday (Good Friday) and go pay a visit to Keira's favorite cousin... and two of my favorite people. When we planned the trip, I didn't think Mom would go directly from hospital gurney to passenger seat! I thought she might have a couple hours to come to and change her mind! We were both wrong though... her surgery started several hours behind schedule and that's exactly what happened!

Since we got such a late start, hitting the road at 8:36PM, we decided not to push it to Barstow and stayed the night in Bakersfield. Mom and I, in all our recent travels, have found that we have pretty good luck with Comfort Inn and Comfort Inn and Suites, so that is how we determine what city we'll rest our heads in.... but when we arrived to the GPS navigated Comfort Inn... we discovered it was a Baymont Inn. We decided to chance it anyway, since it was close to 1AM and the room rate was just $75 for the night. Wow, it was a nice room... comfortable beds, nice sheets, pillows, towels. There was a fridge, microwave, tv, in room internet, and a continental breakfast in the morning. There was also a little putting green outside our window. This will definitely be somewhere we'd stay again if we decided to break up our drive (and we did on the way home)!

We arrived at WLAH's house in what I think was a record time. Since it as a work day, Wyatt wasn't home, but Huckleberry, Addison and Lindsay we happy to greet us. Lindsay is always such a great hostess! She is quite the homemaker and has the most delicious recipes picked out for our stay! If only I ate that way at home every day.... I'd be fit and healthy and very satisfied! During our stay we enjoyed the following, Pecan Crusted Chicken with a beautiful salad, Sprouted Bean Chili, Salmon, and Rack of Lamb. I had never had rack of lamb before... I was a little nervous about what it would be like, but I loved it! I think Keira loved it more than any of us! She mush have had 4 cuts all to herself! At one point Wyatt looked over at her as she was taking a bite off the bone... he said she had her eyes rolled back in her head and looks like a great white shark devouring it's prey! I was glad that Keira was able to experience trying something new... and that it was a favorable experience for her! I do think though, that Keira most enjoyed the homemade bagels Lindsay had.... eating 5 in one day!

Easter Morning, Lindsay discovered during her morning walk with Huckleberry that the Easter Bunny had paid Keira a visit! Thanks Lindsay!! Keira was so excited to walk down to the park, finding treasure filled eggs every 5 feet to fill up her basket with! At that park she found egg shaped chalk, beautiful dress-up necklaces, and a hopping chick. Who knew that Easter was so exciting! I love these magical moments in her life!

We decided to break up our drive home and left Vegas after Easter dinner. On our way home we decided to stay in the same hotel in Bakersfield, knowing that the rooms were nice and the price was just right! We had a great drive... very uneventful. We mostly missed the high winds that were on the forecast and only had a few minutes of heavy downpour! We arrived home early enough on Monday that we were able to spend some time with Daddy, Grandma and Papa P before Keira's bedtime. All in all... when all is said and done it was a good trip. We had an uneventful drive, a nice visit with family, and good food in our bellies.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Garden Update

I started out today thinking that I would spend about 20 - 30 minutes pulling some weeds in the garden area and cleaning off the patio in the backyard. WRONG! I ended up spending the entire afternoon/evening working on the yard again. I'm really enjoying it! I love seeing my little sprouts growing!

Today, Jason and I had a very productive day!!! Here's what we accomplished:

We thinned out all the dead branches from the "Mushroom" tree.
Moved the monster rocks to the other side of the yard, by the pool.
Cleaned up all the old fall leaves.
Cleaned up the patio furniture.
Moved the furniture to a new location in the yard.
Jason cleaned out the shed and worked on the pool sweep.

Then.... here's how I finished up the afternoon:

Pulled weeds in the garden
Planted some corn, red onions, white onions, watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkin and sage.
Made a trip to Home Depot to pick up new sprinkler head.
Made out labels for the 23 different vegetables/fruits/herbs I now have planted.
Started some seeds growing in the kitchen to fill in the areas of the garden where some of my seeds didn't sprout.

A little over a month ago, I thought I'd have a nice and small little garden... and it'd be a fun little hobby to do with Keira. Now, I'm finding that I'm really enjoying the project... and find it pretty relaxing/fulfilling/fun/addicting!

Now, here it is.... closing in on bedtime and I need to take a shower before climbing into bed. I've realized that I forgot to eat dinner. The house is so peaceful and quiet.... Jason's playing hockey and Keira and Bailey are fast asleep! I should get in the shower and go to sleep.... but I'm loving the silence so much, I don't want to move!

OK, scratch that.... Jason just got home from hockey, Bailey is awake... and the TV is going on. It's no longer quiet in here.... guess I'll go take a shower!