Friday, April 9, 2010

How do Working Mom's do it!

How do other moms working outside the house keep on top of everything! It seems that the more I do... the more I have left to do. I haven't mastered the art of staying on top of everything.

If the laundry is washed, folded and put away in the same day it's a miracle (or Jason did it)!

If the garden is weeded.. chances are that dinner is going to be late to the table.

I'm trying to figure it all out, and thankfully I have a supportive husband who isn't above doing dishes, washing the laundry, and dusting the living room! He's wonderful.... otherwise, we'd be living in a pile of dust bunnies and dirty dishes!

I'm trying to figure out a way to simplify our lives and live healthier. I used to follow the Fly Lady program and it was amazing how easy it seemed to keep the house clean. Of course, this was pre-Keira so we'll have to see how things work now. I think it's time to get out my Fly Binder and update a few things and start "Flying" again.

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