Friday, May 14, 2010

Feeling like a victim...

So this week I goofed up and didn't submit my timecard in time... so rather than having my paycheck direct deposited as usual, I got a live check. I decided to go deposit my check at lunch today... and BOY AM I GLAD I DID!

After depositing my check and trying to pull cash out... and being told that I couldn't as there were no funds available I called Jason to find out WTF!!

Well after doing some investigating on his end... he discovers that


Some "woman" of the female dog variety cashed a check against our account and wiped us out! Not only did she take every penny, it overdrew our account!

Jason immediately hung up with me and went to the bank to try and find out how this could happen! How does someone cash a check with a signature that is obviously not his. How can a check be cleared in an account that doesn't have the correct Bank's name on it! How can a check that is SO far out of sequence not raise any flags!!??

So after a couple hours... a notarized fraud report... a police report.... closing our account... opening a new account... Jason was able to get the bank to credit our money back. (But only so long as it turns out we were the victims of check fraud.) OMG!

I am so grateful that Jason was able to take care of all of this. I don't know if I could have maintained my composure. I would have cried... but probably would have had a hard time remaining calm.. and not getting angry.

Now we have lots of work to do on our end to get this whole mess straightened out! YUCK!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry! I hope you get to the bottom of who and how they did it so you can feel safe again.
