Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A New Routine...

It's officially started today... the need for a new routine. Our old routine is no longer an option. Gone are the days of waking up at the last possible moment... savoring every last bit of sleep before it was imperative that I wake up and get ready for work... or be late!

Here upon us are the days of waking up early...
rousing a sleeping baby (ok I know she isn't a baby anymore!)
convince Little Miss to get dressed, brush teeth and hair, eat breakfast and make her bed (HAHAHA I know... but hopefully one day!)
Gather lunches, backpacks and purses and head off to work/school.

The hard part, as if getting up early isn't going to be difficult enough, will be our new night routine...
Come home, unpack lunch boxes, make lunches for the following day, make dinner, eat dinner, dinner dishes, quick clean up of the house, family time, early bedtime for Little Miss, unwinding time and the early bedtime for the grown-ups... rinse and repeat!

Things are going to get interesting around our house!! At least for a little while until this new routine becomes habit! I can't wait to get things dialed in... and perfected!

1 comment:

  1. You have a blog!!! I will become a reader! Is that your mom in the pic below? I will go read it now and see!

    You commented earlier before I was even done! You quick lady! :P

    Glad your hubs got a job and two incomes sounds so wonderful. You will get into your groove before you know it! Good luck Amber!
